Tuesday, 24 June 2014

New Co-Presenter on the University Of Oxford DSP Course

With the retirement of my previous co-presenter, Will, I have been searching for a suitably experienced FPGA / DSP designer to replace him. I am pleased to have Volker Mauer join and he will be bringing his many years of experience at Altera to the classes.

A limited number of spaces are still available on the July course : http://www.conted.ox.ac.uk/courses/details.php?id=H600-24

If you have found this solution useful then please do hit the Google (+1) button so that others may be able to find it as well.

Numerix-DSP Libraries : http://www.numerix-dsp.com/eval/

Copyright © 2014 Delta Numerix

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Gnuplot Installation Under Windows, Linux and MacOS - Solution

Judging by the number of people asking on the forums, this a very common FAQ.

Download and install Gnuplot from http://www.gnuplot.info/download.html.
Ensure that the Gnuplot binary folder is registered in the PATH environment variable so that you can call the Gnuplot executable from any folder.

You may find that Gnuplot reports that the wxt is an unknown terminal type; in which case, use the following command :

Uninstall your current version of Gnuplot and then install the +wxt variant.
port variants gnuplot to list available variants.
sudo port install gnuplot +wxwidgets

Note, after this I had to reboot MacOS to enable Gnuplot to recognize the new terminal types.

Under Linux you need to install both Gnuplot and Gnuplot-X11 :

sudo apt-get install gnuplot
sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11

If you wish to interface to Gnuplot from a C/C++ application then the Gnuplot/C wrapper could be the answer to your search : https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuplotc/.

If you have found this solution useful then please do hit the Google (+1) button so that others may be able to find it as well.

Numerix-DSP Libraries : http://www.numerix-dsp.com/eval/

Copyright © 2014 Delta Numerix