I recently came across an excellent little illustration of this on page 7 of the Keller-Druck Brochure : http://flipflashpages.uniflip.com/2/52802/96120/pub/#page7.
From a signal processing point of view the key points from this diagram are :
1/ When the measurements are very precise (as shown in diagram A) then accuracy can be improved by removing the offset via subtraction of the average of the samples.
2/ When measurements are more accurate but there is a larger deviation (as shown in diagram B) then the deviation can be reduced by oversampling and averaging the results.
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Numerix-DSP Libraries : http://www.numerix-dsp.com/eval/
I remember sitting in my eight-grade physics class when my instructor mentioned that the day’s lesson would contain a discussion about accuracy and precision, and how both relate to making experimental measurements. I have learned that if you are starting a quality enhancement project that includes collecting data to control quality or to monitor alterations in your processes, it’s important that your systems for gathering measurements accurately. In education system a person get knowledge and buy a degree online. This thing not only enhances your skills to think with accuracy but it also helps to do work within time frame.